Our 2025 Tree & Plant Sale Fundraiser is now OPEN through May 1st!



Since 1944 the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District has worked in our community to protect the soil, water, forests and farms in this region.

Our mission is to build resilient, sustainable farms and forests through education, technical services, demonstration and stewardship.

Our shared vision is of an environmentally stronger Maine, with healthy and stable soils, clean and unimpaired rivers, streams, brooks, and water bodies, strong and productive forested areas, profitable and sustainable agriculture, informed and involved conservation minded residents, and for Maine to be a leader in individual conservation practices. The 16 Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the state of Maine are quasi-state agencies, not Non-Profit organizations, and we are established by state law to oversee all storm water and soil resources in our counties per legislation MRSA Title 12. Our District works with landowners and operators to help them manage and protect land and water resources on private and public lands.

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