The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District is a non-profit organization with a mission to protect, conserve and promote our natural resources. These resources - the soil, water, trees, wildlife, air and so many others - sustain our lives in many ways. A donation of any size to the PCSWCD is efficiently utilized and helps to continue conservation efforts already underway in our local communities of Piscataquis County. Along with standard donation options, there are a number of creative options for donors including our Conservation Champions program and our Dedicated Bench program. Donors can make any size donation and dedicate the funds to a program of their choosing - for example, donors can make a contribution towards trail maintenance at the Law Farm, Demonstration Forest, or they can donate to a program, like our Chainsaw Safety offerings, so that scholarships are available for participants. If donors don't have a designation in mind, we can efficiently use donated funds and apply to our areas of immediate need. We appreciate your support! Thank you for donating to the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District.