The 2025 Tree & Plant Sale is OPEN through May 1st!

The sale will be 100% online and will include locally-sourced, organically-grown flowers, herbs, fruit trees & shrubs. Additionally, we will have locally-sourced landscaping materials, organic pest control products and homesteading goods.
Our Suppliers!

Ripley Farm
Ripley Farm is home to five acres of MOFGA-certified Organic vegetables, perennial plants, flowers and herbs in Dover-Foxcroft, ME. Gene and Mary Margaret like to say, “make our farm your farm by joining our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs!” Their CSA members are the backbone of their family farm’s success! Plants from Ripley Farm are always beautiful, healthy and well-adapted to growing climate in Piscataquis County!

Checkerberry Farm
Checkerberry Farm is a MOFGA-certified organic farm located on 100 acres in Parkman, ME. Jason and Barbara Kafka have been farming for over 30 years, producing a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers & fruits. The Kafkas focus selling on a wholesale basis with customers ranging from Whole Foods Market, Fedco Seeds, Stutzman’s farm, Common Ground Fair and others. You will be amazed by the quality of their plants!

North Branch Farm
North Branch Farm is a MOFGA-certified organic farm on 330 acres of fields, woodland, fruit orchards and grass-fed beef in Monroe, Maine. It is family-owned and operated by Anna Shapley-Quinn, Seth Yentes and Tyler Yentes. “Our tree varieties are well-adapted to Maine’s climate and tend to be pest and disease resistant, making them well-adapted.” North Branch Farm’s tree are beautiful, hearty and we have enjoyed sourcing trees from them for 4 years!

Helios Horsepower Farm
Helios Horsepower Farm is a certified organic vegetable farm located in Guilford. Our produce is available at our onsite farm stand on High Street. We also work with Good Shepherd Food Bank and Piscataquis Regional Food Center to provide high quality produce to local food pantries. PCSWCD is excited to welcome Helios Horsepower Farm as a new producer for our Tree & Plant Sale! We know you all will love their high-quality vegetable seedlings.

Ellis Greenhouse & Nursery
Ellis Greenhouse and Nursery has a total of four greenhouses and 10,000 square feet. We have also expanded our wholesale service area to a 100-mile radius of our operation in rural central Maine and our plant offering to many hundreds of varieties. Ellis Greenhouse & Nursery is another new producer this year and will be supplying American Chestnut trees, blueberries and shrubs to our plant sale!
Greenhouse – Hudson, ME – Ellis’ Greenhouse & Nursery (