Volunteer With Us!
We are always looking for folks to volunteer! We have a number of ongoing projects at our two parcels of public land, the Law Farm and the Williamsburg Forest. Volunteer projects include (but are not limited to) trail clearing, sign maintenance, mowing, tree planting, tree maintenance, help with event setup and much more.
The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District also has several volunteering opportunities for high school and college students looking to fulfill graduation requirements, including serving as our Junior Representative (see below)! We also welcome groups – scouts, 4-H, homeschool groups and any other in-between – to reach out to us and join us for volunteering opportunities at the public lands.
For more information about all or other volunteer opportunities, contact us at the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District!
Be sure to join our “Friends of the Law Farm” and “Friends of the Demonstration Forest” Facebook groups for up-to-date volunteer opportunities at these properties!
More About Our Junior Representative Position!